Building WaterShops in India


Together with partners we are installing automated water shops  in peri-urban villages around Ahmadabad Gujarat, India. The water in this region is saline. Our water shops produce fresh drinking water using Reverse Osmosis in combination with other filtration techniques.

The water shops are fully automated and people contribute to the Operations and Maintenance using a an ATM-debit card. That makes payment easy and cheap as villagers pay about 1 euro cent per liter purified water.

Financial sustainable model

Water shops are operated on a financial sustainable basis. To minimize the risks, donors, beneficiaries, (local) governments and companies team up to generate investments for water shops within the program. Income is generated from day one and after one year of operations sufficient income is obtained to make good for operations and maintenance of that shop.

Invitation to adopt a watershop

CSR Companies and organizations are invited to adopt water shop in our program. The impact of your donation is impressive: Per day about 5.000 liters of clean water are produced, resulting per year in the production of 1.75 million liters of drinking water. Given an average consumption of 3 liters/person per day, on average about 1.600 people can be fully served per day as a result of your generosity.

If you are interested to join us in delivering clean water to the needed in India, let us know!

The project partners

The project is executed in close partnership with the Dutch NGO Cordaid and Indian partners who are supporting us both in operations/maintenance of the shops  with the local distribution of the water within the villages. In the villages we work with local entrepreneurs playing an essential role in creating awareness among the people and providing the essential local support.