EnergyWaterWall study executed

A recent study, under guidance of the TU Delft, has shown that the EnergyWaterWall (EWW), normally used to capture and store rainwater from roofs of large buildings, can be used to store energy. The energy -hot water- is generated using solar heat collectors, situated on the roof of a building. The heat within the collector is stored in the water of Rainwater Wall allowing to use hot water when-ever it is needed.

For instance:  pre-heating of water for showers at sports associations; pre-heating of liquids applied in industrial (food)processing, etc. The TU Delft study showed that the need for energy can be reduced significantly, lowering the energy bill, reducing the dependency on oil and gas, lowering CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and help reducing climate change.

Interested to learn more about this study or how to apply the EWW to capture water and energy in your situation?

Let us know.