For Kleinstesoepfabriek in Leek, Groningen, AAWS is delivering a rainwater harvesting solution to effectively store and clean rainwater captured from the 1800m2 factory roof. First step is proof that the quality of filtered rainwater after which the rainwater will be utilize for cleaning and for production of specific soups.
Michel Jansen, director of Kleinstesoepfabriek about this innovative water project:” We want to serious lower the water footprint. I have found in AAWS a valuable partner to support us reaching that goal. They are providing us with tools and knowledge to lower our water footprint and supported us to obtain subsidies available for this type of innovative solutions”.
Michel continues: “Kleinstesoepfabriek strives to be a strong and autonomous company. For that reason, we invested from 2016 onwards in installation of hundreds of solar panels reducing our dependency on the electrical grid. Now we are also reducing our dependency on water provided by our local water utility company. Utilizing rainwater not only lowers our water bill. It also reduces our wastewater-taxes, our electrical bill and our need for -expensive- water softeners, because rainwater will be used of cleaning purposes as well”.
Interested to find out how AAWS is supporting Kleinstesoepfabriek to reach their goal?