RainCatcher system delivered in Philippines


In the last week of March and first week of April 2023 we supported the installation of a large rainwater harvesting and purification system, the RainCatcher, at the Doctors’ Hospital in Salcedo, Philippines.

In the Hospital, located near the Pacific at the far end of the Easter-Samar Province, water is needed for drinking, washing, and bathing of patients. The water available up to now, was of a poor quality and thus prevented nurses and doctors from using it in the medical practice. The result was that the hygienic situation was not optimal in the Hospital.

With the installation of the RainCatcher system this situation has been improved dramatically. Rainwater captured from roof of the Hospital is filtered, cleaned, purified, and stored in a water tank able to store up to 50.000 liters of clean water. Bacteria and viruses are effectively killed using a combination of ozone and UV-disinfection. The staff of the Hospital was trained to operate and maintain the RainCatcher securing longevity of the system.

Within 48 hours after the formal transfer of the RainCatcher to the Doctor’s Hospital director Mrs. Tonette Sabalberino it started raining. In one night about 25.000 liters of water were filtered and captured in the water tank. Mrs Sabalberino: “It is amazing how much water has been captured in one day! The system is working as expected and the produced water is very clean and fresh “.

The installation of the RainCatcher system will improve the hygienic situation in the Hospital and the availability of clean water will allow the Hospital staff to start using the water to support their medical practice.  Cost related to the daily purchase of drinking water are no longer needed, the kitchen will be able to use the water for cooking and the patients will be able to take showers on daily basis.

We thank the Philippines Aid Foundation for having been able to fund this project.